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Nordic Energy: Alternative to Washington Gas in Virginia

Homeowners are always looking for ways to save on energy. They shop around for the best rates on insurance, furniture, groceries, and household products. However, many people never think about shopping for the best price on monthly energy bills. Virginia consumers may take advantage of other benefits by switching from Washington Gas to Nordic Energy. Learn more about who we are and what we can offer.

Nordic Energy Is a Washington Gas Alternative

Nordic Energy Services, LLC is an Alternative Retail Electric Supplier (ARES) and an Alternative Gas Supplier (AGS). That means the Chicago-based company provides energy and related services to residential and business customers in deregulated energy markets in ten states. In practice, the deregulated market allows Virginia residents to purchase power from Nordic Energy instead of Washington Gas. Competition results in more options for consumers than the conditions that can happen in a regulated marketplace.

Why Choose Nordic For Your Energy Needs

Here are some benefits to choosing Nordic Energy over Washington Gas:

  • Nordic Energy customers work with a customer service team that provides the highest level of care accurately and efficiently.

  • When you need information from Nordic Energy, you get it in almost real-time instead of waiting for days for an answer to your questions. For example, you can get a quote on our rates immediately without waiting for someone to call you back.

  • Nordic Energy identifies multiple sources for purchasing energy and negotiating the most competitive rates. Most competitors get power from a single source, leaving them no ability to negotiate for better rates.

  • Nordic Energy is independently owned and operated, so we can take actions that benefit our customers quickly without getting the approval of multiple layers of government.

  • Nordic Energy customers love our Rewards Program, which gives them $50 per month in benefits that you can spend in more than half a million ways. You can accumulate up to $600 per year to use toward dining out, traveling, shopping, and attending special events. We also offer gift card giveaways, bonuses, and rewards challenges. You even get a $50 Amazon digital gift card after your first 60 days as a Nordic Energy customer.

Frequently Asked Questions:

For many consumers, purchasing energy from a company other than Washington Gas is a new concept that leads to many questions. Here are a few of the most common.

What Does Deregulated Energy Mean?

In many areas, one local utility company provides energy services to almost all the residents. Sometimes, there are no other providers in the area, and sometimes consumers have options but don't know about them. On the other hand, deregulated energy means that providers outside the local area can offer energy services. The result is usually greater competition and lower prices. The power is still delivered via the infrastructure owned by the local utility, so consumers don't see any change in reliability.

How Do I Switch Services?

You might think that switching to a new energy provider will be complicated and time-consuming. However, it's simple. You don't need any new equipment or any new infrastructure. When you purchase gas from Nordic Energy, it travels to your home via the existing framework. To start the process, call us or visit our online portal. At Nordic Energy, we go above and beyond to make the switching process as seamless and easy as possible.

Will I Receive Multiple Bills?

The billing arrangement varies some by location. You may get one bill that encompasses the cost of delivery and energy usage. In other markets, you get one account for delivery and a separate one for energy costs. If you have billing questions about delivery charges, you will direct those to the utility company. Questions about energy charges on the bill should be directed to Nordic Energy.

Will My Service Be Less Reliable if I Switch to Nordic Energy?

Consumers sometimes worry about getting energy from a provider outside the local area. When you purchase your gas or electricity from Nordic Energy, it still travels over the same infrastructure the power company owns. Therefore, you should see no change in delivery reliability. If you experience an outage or equipment failure, the utility company is responsible for fixing it, even if you get your power from Nordic Energy.

Counties We Serve

Nordic Energy serves all of Virginia with natural gas and electricity solutions. To get a quote on a natural gas plan, visit our website.

Learn More About Our Natural Gas and Electricity Solutions

Explore the possibility of switching from Washington Gas to Nordic Energy to learn how you can save on energy and take advantage of our generous rewards programs. Contact us today to start the process.

DISCLAIMER: Nordic Energy Services, LLC ("Nordic"), is not the same entity as your electric delivery company. You are not required to enroll with Nordic. Beginning on (effective date), the electric supply price to compare is (price in cents per kilowatt hour). The electric utility electric supply price will expire on (expiration date). The utility electric supply price to compare does not include the purchased electricity adjustment factor. For more information go to the Illinois Commerce Commission's free website at The purchased electricity adjustment factor may range between +.5 cents and -.5 cents per kilowatt hour.
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